River city and 'working river' study - Palembang

Palembang, second largest city in the Indonesia island of Sumatra is a thriving city. The city is not as modern as Kuching city, still maintains large section of old areas along its river. The Musi is still a working river brings much activities for the city centre in the form of boat transport between both banks is not only crucial for the city's economy and also the identity and livelihood of its people depends on it. River side residents travel to opposite bank the city centre to shops for daily needs; agriculture goods are delivered here via boats; fishing boats docks here and load the daily catch to the markets.

Imagine like other cities in the world Palembang rushes to develop its old waterfront strips into a place of recreation and tourism the 'working river ' activities (as shown on the photos) will be diminished. Boat activities will be moved or centralised in new loading points thus this part of the river will lose its vibrancy. The only boat travel between both banks will be only the sightseeing tourist boat. Businesses on the proximity of river banks depend so much on sales and delivery of goods from boats will be greatly affected.

One of the prominent example is Sydney's diminishing status as 'working harbour'. Debate can be viewed here.

Photos by Desmond Ong

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