A growing concern and a growing trend

This post pulls together all the article links associated to the issues around the prospect of the traditional markets in the midst of changing consumer habit.

P.S. This post is live with new links to be added at any time. Please do bookmark so you'll be updated to this expending list.

A Growing Concern

  1. 'Farmers and Supermarkets in Asia' by Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations
  2. From Wet Market to Hypermarket -Trends and Opportunities in China's Retail Landscape
  3. Taiwan Review - Hyping Markets
  4. Differences in Factors Attracting Consumers to Taiwan's Supermarkets and Traditional Wet Markets

A Growing Trend

These are few emerging trends started to pick up pace at some countries such as Australia. Therefore, I see these are the positive signs to help revert to the things which are more important to the society:

  1. In the wake of unhealthy processed food products; misleading dietary and manufacturing information of packaged food. People are more relying on fresh produces.
  2. In the wake of pressing environmental issues, people are increasingly aware of how foods and products are being grown, packaged and transported.
  3. A greater awareness of the social and environmental problems associated with 'food miles'. Therefore, people are likely to source foods from the closest farmers.
  4. Slow Food movement. Originated from Italy, this movement is attracting interest globally. People are starting to understand the benefit to live more responsibly to the local industries & businesses, environments and communities.
  5. Increase travel. Cheaper travel brings people to overseas more often therefore travelers are expanding their knowledge of other cultures. People bring back better ideas.

Urban Ecology Australia : Farmers' Markets

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